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£150.00 Per Application

Convert your pio to oci within few weeks with us. Leading oci agent to change pio card to oci cards in London, Paris, New York, Sydney, Birmingham, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto and other cities.

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24/7 Best OCI Agents to Convert PIO to OCI (Updated 2022)

If you have an old PIO card then its appropriate time to change your PIO card to OCI card. Old PIO card with paper stamp is no longer valid for travelling to India. Our lovely team of experts can help to convert your PIO card to OCI card with short notice. Person of Indian origin card use to be most popular but new OCI card has replaced the most benefits.


How long does it take to convert PIO to OCI card?

If you already have PIO card that means you have passed the security parameters set by Indian government. Normally It takes 3 to 4 weeks to transfer from PIO card to new OCI card. The process of converting PIO card to OCI is not that simple. You still need to provide an OCI visa application with supporting documents such as passport, photos, PIO card and OCI conversion fees.

How much it cost to convert PIO to OCI?

The conversion cost of PIO card to OCI depends on each country. Its standard fees by Indian government and every applicant will be required to pay our agent fees with shipping charges by relevant OCI processing centres.

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